Create A Quiz

  1. Sign in to your admin or teacher account.
  2. Go to the Quizzes tab on your left sidebar.
  3. Click the plus icon between the notification icon and account icon In the upper right corner.
  4. Select the “Create Quiz” option.
  5. Type the name of the quiz.
  6. Include a description of the quiz.
  7. Set a cover imageof the quiz.
  8. Select whether the quiz will be taken as a group or solo in the “Experience” option.
  9. Choose which grade the Q and A will be categorized.
  10. Select the deadline for the quiz.
  11. Select the Subject of the quiz.
  12. In the setting option, you have the option to randomize either the questions and answers option, or both, and the option to move through questions automatically or not.
  13. Choose whether the quiz is visible only to you or it can be seen by other teachers.
  14. Click the save button and it will redirect you to your newly created quiz where you can add multiple existing questions.
  15. You can use the search feature where you can narrow down the type of question you want to add to your quiz.
  16. If you want to add a question to your quiz, hover your mouse over the clipboard icon on the right side of the question and then click the “Add to Quiz” button. You can remove some question by clicking the “Remove from quiz” button.
  17. After selecting the questions, you can either assign the quiz to the whole class or to a student, or go back to the Quizzes panel by clicking the less than sign on the upper left corner near the name of the quiz or the Quizzes tab on the left sidebar.
POWERUP: Learn how to set up the feedback form using custom code. View tutorial

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