Assign A Solo Quiz

  1. Sign in to your admin or teacher account.
  2. Go to the Quizzes tab on your left sidebar.
  3. Hover the clipboard with a checkmark icon on the right side of the chosen quiz
  4. The chosen quiz should have the “Solo Experience” option.
  5. Select the “Assign to Student” if you want to assign to a specific student or select the “Assign to Class” if you want to assign the quiz to the whole class.
  6. Search for the student or class you want to assign a solo quiz and check marked them.
  7. Click the confirm button to send the assigned quiz to the selected student or class.


The difference between Group and Solo Experience is that Group Experience is a type of exam where all of the students will participate in a quiz where they can answer the question at the same time and see their overall score, while Solo Experience will have the student take the quiz individually. The difference between "Assign to Class" and "Assign to Student" is that "Assign to Class" will post the quiz to all of the students within that chosen class, while "Assign to Student" will post the quiz to one or more selected students.

POWERUP: Learn how to set up the feedback form using custom code. View tutorial

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